Friday, October 3, 2014

Birth story for Kim Barton and her brand spankin new baby boy! Robert Lynn Barton, Ogden Regional Hospital

I got a text Friday afternoon after Kim's Doctor appointment, saying she was Dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced, So I debated back and forth whether I was going to leave yet or not. I said a prayer and decided it was time to go since I was driving 4 hours to drop off my kids to my mom, then another hour to Ogden.
We got to Grantsville around 6:00pm, nothing else had progressed, so we went to bed. Woke up took a shower, when I got out of the shower My mom said that Kim's mom had called. I called her back, Kim's water broke and they were headed to the hospital. 
I got ready, fed my baby and left at 10:00AM. I got to Ogden, but whatever could go wrong, went wrong. I went to the wrong hospital, on my way to the real hospital my phone died, I drove around frantic trying to find the hospital. In the mind set I was in and not getting anything accomplished I decided to stop and ask for directions. I did and 10 mins later I was where I was supposed to be.
I started shooting around 2:00 PM

Jesse is a HUGE Utah fan! Here he is getting into the game
 some details of the day

 Her record of the day

 Love this! It's beautiful

 Daddy's Here
 And brought gifts

 Kim's favorite color is Yellow!!!

 Here we are about 8:00pm
 Waiting while Kim gets an Epidural

Watching Frozen to kill time!

 Getting so close, dilated to an 8.5 i believe
 Jesse is an amazing husband to Kim! Such a good support

 Kim worked hard!!! Jesse is so proud! 

 What a sweet man
 Still Full of smiles, just waiting on the doc!!!
 Robert Lynn Barton
 Made is Entrance September 21st at 2:27AM
 Daddy Cutting the cord
 Kim did so good!!!!! 

 The emotions were strong, The look of love he gave Kim right after Robert was born
 Look how much hair he has!!!

 Perfect little miracle
 He's so handsome
 First one to hold him! The honor it is to be the daddy
Such a happy daddy

 Baby kisses
 Cherish this moment forever!
 Happy little family
 I never want to forget this moment
 such love

 Time to meet the baby!
 Auntie Goo!!!!
 It's amazing the love you have for someone you just met
 What a great moment

 Cell phone shot!!! ;)

Thank you for this opportunity! Looking forward to working with you in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Well...there are tears in my eyes...and this happened some time ago. Very nice selection of photos April. You really caught the spirit of the birth.
