Friday, October 3, 2014

Sunflower Mini Session with Hunter and Paisleigh

Sunflower mini sessions were a hit! I had a blast and got to meet some cute kiddos!!! Here is Hunter and Paisleigh! 

Meet Paisleigh!
 The things photographers do to get kids to smile, I let this little girl throw dirt at me, and I got some awesome smiles!!!!
 How cute is she???
Meet Hunter!
 This Kid is such a Ham! He loved the camera!  
 Hey good lookin' whatcha got cookin'?
 Sweet candid moments are some of my favorite shots
 Beautiful girl

 Sweet sibling shot, how tender!?!

 eek, love this!!!!
 Seriously such a handsome lil man
 GOEGEOUS!! Can you call a 2 year old gorgeous???

Thank you for this opportunity! I look forward to working with you in the future!

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