Friday, September 5, 2014

My silly, awesome and niece shot in various locations!

Here are some pictures of my family!!! 

Miss Kimber at 10 months
 This is by far my favorite shot of her!
 I never thought having a girl would be so hard, yet rewarding
 She's growing way too fast!
 This is Camden's Smile!!! I love it!

 It amazes me to look at my children and see what I have created. Its amazing what the human body can achieve!
 Oh this kid!!! sure love him and his charming and funny personality
 Plus hes super cute
Sometimes these boys are loving and can't get enough of each other, then theres the times that i have to keep them separated cause the can't stop fighting
 Proof that Camden absolutely admires Hunter!
 Such handsome boys!
 How did I get so lucky!?!
 Getting a smile out of this kid is quite the challenge

 Don't mind the Grunginess we went camping and had to capture the beauty of Red fleet state park!!!
 Oh his eyes!
 This is my handsome brother Levi, he loves the temple!
 Miss Maddeline also loves the temple! 
 She is also Super Silly!
 That Smile!
 What a Handsome guy!
 Such a Beautiful Sight!
 What a goofy guy!!! Love him!!!!

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