Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pickering Wedding at a beautiful location here in Vernal, Kokopelli

The Pickering wedding!
What a fun wedding, It was very untraditional. she wore a lavender dress and the men wore hawaiian attire!  They got Married at Kokopelli Here in Vernal Utah! Seriously GORGEOUS Location!

Getting ready!

Doesn't she look super happy!?!
Gorgeous Necklace!
Capturing sweet moments like this!
First Kiss
Love me some B&W

Beautiful Waterfall
The pastor was awesome!!! so naturally they had to get a picture with him

Grandmas are the best!
Grooms family!
Kisses for Brad
Brad's siblings
Girls just wanna have fun
Jamie's cute nephew
Matching Tats
Jamie's Family
 Jamie's mom and dad

 Brad's Extended family
 What a ham!!!;)
 He felt pretty silly holding the bouquet 
 Beautiful sisters
 Jamie and Dad!
 Ok on the count of 3 duck down while they kiss you on the cheek!!!! :D
 Happily Married
So In love! and expecting their first baby!!!
 Jamie's Extended family
 First Dance

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