Friday, September 26, 2014

The Hawkins Family at Historic Clark farms in Grantsville

Meet the Hawkins Family!
Seriously the one of the Cutest families!
I didn't get to know them before the session, so this was  definitely a different experience, My goal is to always make the little kids my best friends! These two didn't like me to much at first but i think i got them to warm up to me a little bit;)

Meet Braxton!
 Meet Presslie!

 Beautiful Amber and Presslie!
 Seriously CUTE!
 I have a soft spot for bald baby girls ;)
 So so sweet
 It's funny how I will dance, make silly noises and end up with faces like this?!?! 
 Such a good daddy, you can see he loves his kiddos
 :D:D:D Had so much fun with this family! Thank you for the opportunity!

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